ACH Statuses
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ACH Statuses

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ACH transaction statuses differ between Digital Banking and Account Opening.

Digital Banking ACH Statuses

ACH transactions in Digital Banking may have the following statuses viewable in ACH Manager:

  • Analyzing – The initial status after an ACH transaction. Every transfer will go into this status, whether immediate incoming, outgoing, or scheduled.
  • Review –  The ACH transfer triggered one of your institution's risk rules. Your staff can manually approve or reject the transaction. If approved, the transaction moves to the Pending tab. For more information, go to Use ACH Manager for Review. For information on setting risk rules, see Manage Risk Settings.
  • Pending – This follows the "analyzing" status, or when your institution's staff manually approves an ACH transaction that was in "review."
  • Processing – This is the in-between status for "pending" and "processed," when your staff has yet to download the NACHA file and mark transactions as completed.
  • Processed (in transit) – Your staff downloaded the NACHA file and marked all transactions as completed.
  • Canceled – The ACH transaction was canceled by the user.
  • Rejected by staff – The ACH transaction was in manual review by your staff and was rejected.

Account Opening ACH Statuses

ACH transactions in Account Opening may have the following statuses, shown along with their corresponding application status. For more information on application statuses, go to Application Statuses

Note: The application statuses below are the most common for the given transaction status and may differ depending on the scenario.

Transaction StatusApplication StatusDescription
ReviewFundingThe Review tab only shows if there are transactions in review, which is the result of 1) the applicant manually entered their funding account information, therefore requiring an account validation check AND 2) the account validation check returned a Warning or Decline for the account. (Note: To route Decline transactions to Review, your institution’s Microbilt Decline Behavior setting must be set to “Review.”) You can either approve or reject these transactions. Approved transactions move to the Pending tab and rejected transactions move to the Rejected tab.
PendingOpened or Opening FailedThe Pending tab shows transactions are either waiting for automatic ACH processing by the NACHA generator or waiting for manual processing. The NACHA generator runs at a configurable hour each business day, but usually around the close of the business day. The ACH transaction will be in a pending state until the NACHA generator runs.
ProcessingOpened or Opening FailedThe Processing tab shows manually processed transactions that are in between the "pending" and "processed" statuses when your staff has yet to download the NACHA file and mark the transaction as processed.
This status may also be displayed for a short time for transactions that are automatically processed if viewed at the moment when automatic processing happens.
ProcessedOpened or Opening FailedThe Processed tab shows transactions marked as processed after your staff downloaded the NACHA file or the automatically processed transactions have been uploaded via SFTP.
RejectedFunding FailedThe Rejected tab shows transactions that were manually reviewed by your staff and rejected.

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