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Dual Approvals (Business Banking Only)
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Dual Approvals is a control that requires two separate people to authorize an action. For web and mobile banking, Dual Approvals applies to wire transfers. With Dual Approvals, when an Organization (Org) user with proper permissions submits a wire transfer, it is submitted for approval to all Org users with permissions to approve wires.
Dual Approvals is available to Org Account Holders and Org users with Admin permissions. These users have all permissions, including those of editing org details, initiating wire transfers, and approving actions requiring dual approval. They can also grant various permissions to other members of the org, including the ability to initiate a wire and approve an action requiring dual approval.
Org Account Holders and Org users with Admin permissions can enable Dual Approvals at their org if the feature is offered by your institution. Please contact support@narmi.com if you wish for orgs with more than one Org Account Holder or Org user with Admin permissions to have the option of enabling dual approvals for their org.
Note: By default, an org that enables dual approvals cannot disable it without permission and action from your Staff (process described in Disabling Dual Approvals below).
Enabling Dual Approvals
Org Account Holders, or Org users with Admin permissions to turn on dual approvals for their org, can enable Dual Approvals within the web app.
To enable dual approvals:
From the name menu in the upper right corner, select Settings.
Select Security and turn on the Dual Approvals toggle.
In the dialog that appears, select Yes, turn on.
Your staff can also enable dual approvals for the org by going to the Org Acccount Holder’s profile and turning it on:
From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Manage users > select the user’s name > Actions > Opt into dual approvals.
Disabling Dual Approvals
In order for an org to disable Dual Approvals, an Org Account Holder or Org user with Admin permissions needs to contact your staff for permission. If you decide to grant permission, a staff user with proper permissions would do the following:
Go to the Admin Platform and select Manage Users.
Select the user profile of the Org user making the request.
Select Actions and then select Allow access to Dual Approvals setting.
In the confirmation dialog, select Allow access.
Once that is done, the Org user who made the request can turn off the Dual Approvals toggle in their online banking Settings.
Re-Enabling Dual Approvals
If the org wants to turn Dual Approvals back on, an Org Account Holder or Org user with Admin permissions would turn on the Dual Approvals toggle in Settings on the web app.
After that, a staff user with proper permissions would do the following to ensure the org doesn’t turn off the setting without staff permission:
Go to the Admin Platform and select Manage Users.
Select the user profile of the Org user making the request.
Select Actions and then select Deny access to Dual Approvals setting.
In the confirmation dialog, select Deny access.
Approving Wires
With Dual Approvals, when an Org user with proper permissions submits a wire transfer, it is submitted for approval to all Org users with permissions to approve wires on the web app and mobile app. A confirmation message appears to the submitter indicating it is awaiting approval.
All users with permissions to approve wires receive an email when a wire is submitted for approval, as well as an onscreen message once they log in to the web app or the mobile app.
To review wire transfers via Dual Approvals:
Select Review now from the onscreen message (shown above) in the web or mobile app, or select the approval link in the email received.
Alternatively, users can access approvals from the web app via Tools > Dual approvals, or from the mobile app via More > Login & Security > Dual approvals.On the web app, the Pending Approvals tab is shown by default. Select the box next to the pending wire transfer and choose to Approve or Reject.
From the mobile app, pending approvals are on the top. Select the pending transfer to view details and Approve or Reject.
A confirmation message appears letting you know the submitter was notified.The Org user who submitted the wire transfer receives an email notification on whether the wire transfer was approved or denied. Your institution can customize these email notifications, as well as the email notifications that go to users when wires need approval. To do this, go to the Admin Platform, select Institution Settings, and search for one of these settings:
Dual Approval Approved Email Template
Dual Approval Denied Email Template
Dual Approval Requested Email Template
To view past approvals, select Approval History from the Dual Approval page on the web app.
For information on wire statuses, go to Wire Statuses.