Staff-Led Account Opening for New Users
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Staff-Led Account Opening for New Users

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Article summary

To open an account with Staff-Led Account Opening for a new consumer user:

1. Navigate to a New Application

From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Account opening > Applications, and then select New application.

2. Basic Info

On the page that appears, there are two questions that determine the applicant flow. These questions are not configurable by your institution:

  • Are they an existing customer of your institution? – If you select Yes, you will be taken to the existing user flow. If you select No, you will continue through this new user flow.

  • Are they looking to open a joint account? – If you select No, you will continue through this user flow for one applicant. If you select Yes, additional fields will appear for the joint applicant, and an additional question: Is the joint applicant an existing member?

You can always select Cancel to delete the application or Finish later to save your progress and continue later. For instructions, go to Continue a Staff-Led Application.

Depending on answers to the questions, fields appear below where you can enter the applicant's information. Select Next.

3. Pre-KYC

The pre-KYC step appears, and it includes five possible sections. Select each section to expand its options. You can complete these sections in any order. After completing each section, select Save. Once saved, it updates from "Incomplete" to "Complete."

Note: The Personal information section must be completed to run KYC.

Hold KYC
Your institution can customize the Staff-Led Account Opening flow by adding a “Hold KYC” button at the first step. This allows your staff to conduct KYC on applicants after completing additional aspects of the application, such as account selection, disclosures, and funding. You can also skip KYC entirely in the second step of the flow after holding KYC in the first step. For more information on skipping KYC, go to Post-KYC.

To enable the Hold KYC button, in the Admin Platform, go to Configurations > Institution settings > CAO Staff-Led Hold KYC. Select Edit, and on the page that appears, select True. Once the button is enabled, you can select Hold KYC to skip to the Post-KYC sections of the flow. If Hold KYC is enabled and selected, we encourage your staff to complete all other aspects of the application and then run KYC as the final step to streamline the experience.
Note: The Personal information section must be completed to hold KYC.

The pre-KYC sections are:

a. Application Tracking (configurable and optional)

Select your Branch location from the menu. For instructions on configuring the locations, go to Configure Staff-Led Branch Locations. If the applicant has a referral code, enter it in the Referral code field. You can enable this field in the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > DAO Staff-Led Enable Referral Code.

Any additional information that your institution would like to capture can be added to the Fields to write in Metadata portion of the Application Tracking section. For example, your credit union can capture SEG code information for credit union members by configuring a list of SEG codes, Branches, and Branch Users for this portion. This information is captured in the Metadata section of the application view and this data can only be written to Symitar cores. If your institution is on the Symitar core, we can set up a Narmi Function to write this information to the Symitar core. Please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager to set this up.

To configure the metadata, go to the Admin Platform and add a key name under Configurations > Institution Settings > Allowed URL parameters, for example branch_number. Then, under Configurations > Institution Settings > Staff-Led AO - Metadata Fields, add the values associated with that key name to be displayed in the staff-led flow.

b. Eligibility (configurable and optional)

This section does not affect the applicant's ability to proceed with the application but provides information to your institution about the applicant's qualifications. Your institution can configure the questions. Please contact to configure.

c. Documentation (optional)

Upload driver's licenses and additional identification materials. You can upload up to 10 documents in this section. These documents are not sent to Alloy for decisioning. They are stored and viewable in the application view under the Documents section. Documents uploaded will be carried over to the post-KYC step.

Your institution can configure an automatic upload of any documents via SFTP for new applications that open successfully. Please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager to configure. For more information, go to SFTP Setup.

d. Personal Information (required)

Enter basic information needed to run KYC, including the applicant's full name, Social Security Number, date of birth, email address, phone number, and residential/mailing address. This information will be sent to Alloy to run KYC, which is the next step. You cannot proceed to the KYC step until this section is complete.

e. Notes (optional)

Enter optional notes in this section. These notes will be carried over to the post-KYC step.

After entering the required information, select Run KYC. A confirmation message appears. Select Yes, run KYC to confirm.

Note: Once KYC is run, you cannot edit personal details or rerun without incurring a fee.

Alternative Alloy Workflow
Your financial institution may want certain applications to undergo an alternative Alloy workflow, such as automatically approve all applications, manually review applications that would typically have been denied, or have alternative criteria requirements. For more information, go to Alternative Alloy Workflow.

4. KYC

The KYC step appears, showing the following information:

  • Status – The KYC status; if the status is "Approved," you'll have the option to Continue. If the status is "Manual Review" or "Rejected," you'll have the option to Edit application. Once you edit the application, you will be required to run KYC again.

  • Tags returned – These are identity evaluation tags or criteria that the applicant met when they were evaluated in Alloy, for example, KYC DOB Match, KYC Address Match, KYC Name Match, KYC SSN Match, Phone Match

  • Alloy record – The link to the full identity evaluation decision in the Alloy Platform. For more information on Alloy and the identity decisioning process, see About Identity Decisioning.
    Select Continue.

5. Post- KYC

The final step is the post-KYC step, which can include seven sections, depending on your configuration. Select each section to expand its options. Select Save after completing each section. Once save, it will update from "Incomplete" to "Complete."

Note: Only the Account selection and Funding sections are required to open the account. Account selection must be completed to select Funding or Disclosures.

Skip KYC

Your institution can customize the Staff-Led Account Opening flow by adding a “Skip KYC” button in the second step. After you select “Hold KYC” in the first step of the flow, you can select Skip KYC in the second step if you deem appropriate after completing the Account selection, Funding, and Disclosures sections. To enable the “Skip KYC” button, in the Admin Platform, go to Configurations > Institution settings > CAO Staff-Led Skip KYC. Select Edit, and on the page that appears, select True.

After selecting Skip KYC, a confirmation appears. Select Yes, open account.

Once the account is opened, in the application view, the Identity evaluation field displays “Skipped.

The post-KYC sections are:

a. Account selection (required)

Select the accounts the applicant wants to open from your institution’s product offerings, such as Checking, Savings, Certificates of Deposit, etc. To customize the product offerings at your institution, please contact Similar to the Consumer Account Opening flow, staff members can only open one checking account per application but can select other product types and open them at the same time.
Account features like courtesy pay and debit card per product will display for accounts that have them configured.

Required products are automatically pre-selected in account selection. You can choose to de-select the required product, then select Yes, confirm deselection on the dialog that appears.

b. Funding (required)

Use this section to enter the customer's funding information. Available options are:

  • Skip funding – Select this option to skip funding

  • Submit cash/check – Select this option when the applicant is using cash or a check to fund the account

  • Link an external bank account – Select this option to fund with a bank account. Enter the routing and account numbers, and select the Account typeChecking or Savings. External account numbers are limited to 17 characters.

  • Use a credit/debit card – Select this option to fund with a debit or credit card and enter the card information

    Below the funding method, enter funding amounts for each account. Amounts must be entered in $0.25 increments.

c. Disclosures (optional)

Use this section to record electronic disclosure consent. Select Send to applicant to send an email to the applicant that includes a link to the disclosures. You can customize this email in the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Staff-Led Disclosures Email Template. A confirmation message also appears on-screen with a link to the disclosures, which is helpful when testing in your institution's UAT environment.
You can set up specific disclosures by product, which are shown depending on which products are selected. This is customizable via Institution settings > Disclosures. This setting supports Markdown. Go to Markdown Guide for assistance with basic syntax.
The date/time stamp appears in the Disclosures section once the applicant accepts. You can resend the email if the disclosures aren't accepted by selecting Resend to applicant.

You can also select Preview disclosures and a dialog appears showing you how the disclosures will appear for the applicant.

d. Documentation (optional)

Use this section to upload signed and scanned disclosures or any other documentation. If you uploaded documentation in the pre-KYC step, those documents are carried over and shown here. These documents are not sent to Alloy for decisioning. They are stored and viewable in the application view, under the Documents section.
Your institution can configure an automatic upload of any documents via SFTP for new applications that open successfully. Please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager to configure. For more information, go to SFTP Setup.

e. Beneficiaries (optional)

This section allows you to enter beneficiaries for the applicant’s accounts. Beneficiaries provide a clear and legally protected way to transfer account assets (especially for high deposit accounts like CDs) and ensure higher FDIC insurance for deposits. Beneficiaries are product-specific, depending on which product(s) are selected in the Account selection section.

Note: The Beneficiaries section only appears if the product selected in “Account Selection” (step 5a) has beneficiaries configured for it in Product List Manager (go to Configuring Products for Beneficiaries for instructions). If no products configured for beneficiaries are selected, the Beneficiaries section will not be displayed at all. For complete information on beneficiary configuration, go to Beneficiaries.

To add beneficiary information, select Yes to Does the applicant want to add beneficiaries? and beneficiary fields appear. Each of these fields can be turned on or off in the Admin Platform under Institution Settings > Ask additional fields > Consumer Account Opening:

  • Beneficiaries address

  • Beneficiaries email

  • Beneficiaries phone number

  • Beneficiaries SSN

  • Beneficiaries relationship

Select the account to which this beneficiary should apply. The accounts shown depend on your institution’s configuration. Select Add another beneficiary to add each additional person. If other beneficiaries are added to the selected accounts, the funds will be allocated evenly between them

f. Account activity (optional)

This section contains customer due diligence questions for the applicant to answer, which allows you to capture an applicant’s intended usage of their accounts and help build a risk profile for the account/applicant. You can configure these questions (which can be yes/no, open input, or dropdown) in the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Customer Due Diligence Consumer Staffer-led Questions. For more information, go to Account Activity Questions. These questions can also be product-specific, depending on which product(s) are selected in the Account selection section. Go to Product-Specific Account Activity Questions for details.

g. Notes (optional)

Enter optional notes in this section. If you entered notes in the pre-KYC section, they are carried over and shown here.

Once Account selection and any other optional sections are complete, select Open account.

6. Open Account

A confirmation message appears when the account is opened successfully, which displays the Member number (if applicable), Core User ID, account number, and routing number. A confirmation email is sent to the email address associated with the account. If your institution uses Narmi for Online Banking, users can enroll in online banking using a link in the email. Your institution can customize these emails from our Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Application Approved Template. Note: There are separate templates for business and consumer applicants.
Select View applications to return to the Applications list.

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