Alternative Alloy Workflow
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Alternative Alloy Workflow

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Article summary

Your financial institution may want certain applications to undergo an alternative Alloy workflow, such as automatically approve all applications, manually review applications that would typically have been denied, or have alternative criteria requirements. To set up an alternative workflow, your financial institution can use the Allowed URL Parameters Institution Setting found in Narmi Command. This allows you to create an Account Opening URL that will cause applications to undergo an alternative Alloy workflow.

To create an alternative Alloy workflow, your financial institution should follow these steps:

  1. Contact with the proposed alternative Alloy workflow. 
  2. Decide which parameters the new applications will be referenced by, for example, MemberGroup = "1111" or SegCode = "1234.
  3. Add those parameters to Allowed URL Parameters in Narmi Command's Institution Settings, for example, ["MemberGroup", "SegCode"].
  4. Allow time for Alloy and Narmi to deploy and test these changes.
  5. Provide the URL with proper parameters to your new applicants. Your URL will look something like:

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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