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Consumer Account Opening in Digital Banking
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Your customers or members who are currently Digital Banking users can open additional accounts directly from the web or mobile apps. To set up this functionality, please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager.
This functionality is only available to institutions that 1) have Consumer Account Opening AND 2) use Narmi for both Account Opening and Consumer Digital Banking.
The Existing User Flow
To open an additional account from Digital Banking:
1. Navigate to Open an Account
On the web app, select Tools, then select Open an account.
On the web or mobile app, select the custom promotion card created via Admin Promotions.
On the mobile app, scroll to the bottom of the homepage and select Open a new account from the carousel.
2. Joint Account
If your institution allows joint applicants from this flow, applicants see a Co-applicant details page. To enable joint applicants, go to the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Account opening from online banking (AOIOB) allow joint applicants. Update this setting to true
3. Account Selection
On the Choose your accounts page, applicants select which of your financial institution’s product offerings they would like to open, such as Checking, Savings, or Certificates of Deposit. To customize the product offerings at your financial institution, including restrictions on the number of products that can be opened, required products, recommended products, and hidden products, please contact support@narmi.com.
Note: If a product is marked as "required" in the Consumer Account Opening for New Users application flow, it is hidden and not required in this flow, since the applicant will have already opened the required products with their first account.
Selected accounts are shown at the bottom under Your selection.
Select Next.
4. Account Activity
If configured by your institution, the Account activity page contains customer due diligence questions for the applicant to answer. These custom questions allow you to capture an applicant’s intended usage of their accounts and help you build a risk profile for the account/applicant. For example, “Do you intend to write checks from this account?”
You can configure these questions (which can be yes/no, open input, or dropdown) in the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Customer Due Diligence Consumer Questions. For more information, go to Account Activity Questions. These questions can also be product-specific, depending on which product(s) the applicant selects on the Account Selection page. Go to Product-Specific Account Activity Questions for details.
Select Next.
5. Funding
Next, the applicant chooses a funding method—either one of their existing accounts at your institution, an external bank account, or a debit/credit card.
Option to Skip Funding
You can give your applicants the option to skip funding during the Funding step. If this setting is turned on, applicants who select account types with a $0 minimum balance amount see “Do you want to fund your account now?” and can select No to skip funding. If the applicant selects Yes, options for funding appear. If the applicant selects multiple products and at least one does not have a $0 minimum balance, they will see the funding screen, and this question is hidden. In this case, the applicant can choose to keep the funding amount as $0 for the account(s) with $0 minimum balance. Please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager to turn on the setting to skip funding for your users.
In the "Choose a funding method" section, there are four options:
To fund with a bank account by logging in, select Log in with your bank and follow the prompts to enter your banking credentials
To fund with a bank account, select Manually link a bank account and choose to Automatically add or Manually add.
For automatic verification, select the financial institution and follow the prompts to log in.
For manual verification, select the account type, then enter the routing and account numbers. External account numbers are limited to 17 characters.
After entering your account information, the account and routing number displays onscreen.
To fund with an existing internal account at your institution, select Use a [Your FI Name] account, then select an internal account from the menu provided.
Please note when funding from an existing internal account:The selected account must have sufficient funds, or an error message will appear. The account balance displays when selecting an account.
Your institution can specify a funding limit for internal transfers. This can be configured in the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Max Funding Amount via Internal Transfer. The default is $10,000.
There are no additional processing/transaction costs associated with funding from an existing internal account. ACH processing costs will apply only when selecting the Manually add option (described below) and entering the account and routing numbers for an external bank.
To fund with a card, select Use a credit/debit card and enter the card information.
Next, below the funding method, enter the amount of funding for each new account. Amounts must be entered in $0.25 increments. Your institution can customize minimum balances. For information on funding limits, go to Funding Limits.
Below the funding amount, enter the referral code, if applicable. Go to Refer A Friend for more details on referral codes. Please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager if you would like to hide the referral code field.
Select Next.
6. Preferences
On the Preferences page, applicants can opt to receive a debit card at the mailing address associated with the account by turning on the Debit card toggle. The debit card option is available for checking or savings accounts if set up by your institution in Product List Manager. If the applicant selects checking and savings accounts that both offer debit cards and requests a debit card, only one card is sent for both accounts. For joint applications, if the applicant requests a debit card, the card is automatically sent to both applicants (this cannot be changed). Your institution can make the debit card required for checking accounts by updating the "Do you want to require a debit card?" setting in Product List Manager in the Admin Platform. If required, users will not be able to turn off the debit card toggle on the Preferences page. Your institution can also make the debit card pre-selected for the applicant by updating the "Do you want the debit card to be enabled by default?" setting in Product List Manager.
Also on the Preferences page, applicants can select Overdraft opt-in, if your institution provides this service. To edit the overdraft opt-in disclosure, go to the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Courtesy Pay Disclosure.
The Preferences step is optional for your institution. Reach out to your Narmi Relationship Manager to turn these preferences on/off or rename them.
Select Next.
7. Disclosures
The Review disclosures page can vary by financial institution. You can set up specific disclosures by product, which are shown depending on which products the applicant has selected. This is customizable in the Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Disclosures. This setting supports Markdown. Go to Markdown Guide for assistance with basic syntax.
Check the boxes to accept the disclosures and select Next.
8. Review
The final step is a review of the completed application before submitting it. Select Edit to update any information or select Submit application to complete.
If the application is successful, a summary of the opened accounts and initial funding appears. A confirmation email is sent to the email address associated with the account. Your institution can customize these emails from our Admin Platform under Configurations > Institution settings > Application Approved Template. Note: There are separate templates for business and consumer applicants.
If your institution uses Narmi for Online Banking, users can select Enroll in online banking to create an online user profile. If the user already has enrolled with a previous account, they can select Log in to online banking here.
If your institution would like to hide the account number, routing number, and direct deposit number on the Approval page, go to the Admin Platform under Institution Settings > Approved screen show account information, and set it to False.