About Recurring Transfers
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About Recurring Transfers

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Article Summary

A recurring transfer is a scheduled transfer for a fixed amount at regular intervals. For recurring transfers, we check the user’s available balance before processing the transaction. If there are insufficient funds in the source account, the scheduled transfer does not occur and the source account is not overdrawn. When this happens, we send the user an email notification that we were unable to process the transfer and why. This email notification is not configurable by your institution.

For recurring transfers that are loan or credit payments:

If your institution has Prevent Overpayment for Credit Accounts = true in Institution Settings, when the recurring transfer amount is greater than the outstanding loan/credit balance, the transfer does not occur. When this happens, we send the user an email notification that the transfer was blocked, asking them to create a new one-time payment that is equal to or less than the outstanding loan balance. This email notification is not configurable by your institution. Until the user changes their recurring transfer, the payment will continue to be blocked if there is zero existing loan balance, and the user will receive a daily email notification. If the loan balance is fully paid and payments are no longer required, the user should delete the recurring transfer.

You can view a customer or member's scheduled transfers and external transfer history in the Admin Platform. To do this, go select Manage Users and open the user's profile. Scroll down to the Scheduled Transfers or External Transfer History sections. For more information, go to User Profile Manager.

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