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Scheduled Transfers
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The Scheduled Transfers section displays a partial list of the user's scheduled transfers. If there are no scheduled transfers for the selected user, the table displays "No active scheduled transfers." This section does not show in staff user profiles. Go to Schedule an ACH Transfer to learn more about scheduled transfers.
Select See all scheduled transfers at the bottom of the list to view the full list.
The page that opens shows a full paginated list of scheduled transfers. You can sort the list using the menu on the upper right—select either Oldest date to newest date (default) or Newest date to oldest date.
If fraud is suspected or a customer no longer wants a recurring transfer to continue, it can be manually expired by your staff. Select a specific transfer row in the Scheduled Transfers table and on the page that opens, select Expire. In the confirmation dialog that appears, select Yes, expire transfer.
Also when you select a specific scheduled transfer, the page that opens shows a History section with the user's transfer-specific user history actions.