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Add a New User
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Staff users must have the following permissions to add users:
Can add user - To add a new customer/member
Can add staff user - To add a new staff member
Note: You can only add a new business user if they have an organizational profile on the core. To add users in bulk, contact your Narmi Relationship Manager.
Add a New Customer/Member
To add a new customer user:
From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Customers or Members.
From the user list page that appears, select Add customer/member.
On the Add customer page that appears, select whether the new user is Personal (consumer) or Business (Account holder/Signer only). Enter the customer’s username, email address, and core user ID.
Select Add customer. New users receive an email notification with information on activating their account.
Add a New Staff User
To add a new staff user:
From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Staff members > Staff > Add staff member.
Enter the user info:
Enter the staff user's First name, Last name, and Email address.
Add the user’s 2FA phone number. If your staff users log in via single sign-on, this field is hidden.
Note: The phone number entered must be able to receive SMS messages because it will be automatically set as the staff user's two-factor authentication device.Select Permissions, either Admin or Non-admin.
For non-admins, you'll also select a Role. For more information on roles, go to Manage Roles.
Select Add staff member. New staff users receive an email notification with information on activating their account.
To change a staff user's Admin permissions, go to their user profile sidebar.