Searching for Transactions in
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Searching for Transactions in

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Article summary keeps a record of all valid transactions processed within an account. Using a combination of search parameters, results can be narrowed down to a single transaction or broadened to a range of many transactions. This information can then be downloaded and saved for future reference. 

Search for a Transaction

To search for a transaction:

  1. Select Transaction Search from the main toolbar.

  2. Select Search for a Transaction in the main left-side menu.

  3. Enter one or more search parameters in the fields provided. You can choose to search by:

    • Settlement Date – Choose to view ALL Settled transactions or select From: and To: to view Unsettled transactions. You can also choose a range of settlement dates to search.

    • Credit Card/Bank Account Information

      • Payment Method – Select the drop-down box and choose the card type to search: ALL (default), Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club or eCheck (ACH)

      • Credit Card Number – Enter the full credit card number or the last 4 digits in the Credit Card # field (transactions older than 120 days can only be searched for by the last 4 digits)

      • Bank Account Number – Enter the full bank account number or the last 4 digits in the Bank Account # field (Transactions older than 120 days can only be searched for by the last 4 digits)

        • Note: ACH transactions will be searchable only if your institution uses for AO ACH funding; if your institution uses Narmi AO ACH Service, AO funding transactions done via ACH will be found in the ACH Manager

    • Customer Information

      • Customer Name – Enter the customer's First Name and/or Last Name in the appropriate fields

      • Customer ID – Enter the customer's ID in the ID field

    • Transaction Information

      • Transaction Status – Select Status to search for transactions that have a particular status

      • ID – Enter the transaction ID in the field

Search terms can be combined to provide different transaction summaries. In general, the more search criteria you enter, the more focused the results will be. For example, entering a credit card number and a date will return only transactions charged to that card on that date.

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