Product Details and Settings
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Product Details and Settings

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Article summary

Refer to this list for descriptions of available fields/questions when editing and adding products in Product List Manager. This information appears on the Product cards in the "Choose your accounts" page of the Account Opening flow. Scroll down for an image of the editing page.

  • Product name – Name of product offering

  • Description – Short description displayed on the product card

  • Details #1 – First bullet point with information on the product offering

  • Details #2 – Second bullet point with information on the product offering

  • Details #3 – Third bullet point with information on the product offering

    • Note: At least one detail field is required. Please do not add blank spaces as placeholders to fill the Details fields as this will impact the tiles' design and cause an unprofessional appearance.

  • Monthly service fee – The monthly service fee for the product, which defaults to $0. This field accepts alphanumeric characters, so you can include more information about monthly service fees in addition to the fee amount. The "Monthly Service Fees" header text can be customized. Please contact your Narmi Implementations Manager to edit the header text.

  • More details URL – Optional field to add a URL that will show an applicant more details about a product. The URL format must start with https://.

  • More details copy – Optional text for the more details hyperlink specified above; if blank, the default is "More details"

  • Display order – Determines the placement of this product on screen to the applicant

  • Product ID – The core-based product ID

  • Minimum suffix – The minimum number to append to the primary account number for sub-accounts. For example, if the user's primary account number is 1234, and the minimum suffix is 01, their first account will be 1234, and their second opened account will be 1234=01. This is a core-specific field.

  • Maximum suffix – The maximum number to append to the primary account number, or how many sub-accounts your institution allows a user to have. For example, if the user's primary account number is 1234, and the maximum suffix is 04, their first account will be 1234, and their fifth (and final) opened account will be 1234=04; they cannot open a sixth account. This is a core-specific field.

  • Minimum balance – The minimum balance required for this account

  • Maximum balance – The maximum balance allowed for this account

  • What kind of applicant can open this product? (Business Banking only) – For businesses, this includes Sole Proprietor, Partnership, LLC, or Corporation

  • Account activity questions – You can opt to add account activity questions that appear only after a specific product is selected. Go to Product-Specific Account Activity Questions for instructions.

  • Is this product required? – Yes / No to make this product required for the applicant.
    If Yes is selected, this option is also available:

    • Should this product be required for existing members? – Yes/No to make this product required for existing members. This option appears if "Yes" is selected for "Is this product required?" and only applies to Credit Unions that have set up the "Existing Core User Applicant Handling" institution setting. Please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager to enable.

  • Do you want to recommend this product? – Yes / No to flag this product as recommended for the applicant

  • Do you want this product to be hidden by default? – Yes / No to hide this product. Products marked as hidden will be removed from the default product selection and only visible to users accessing them from designated links. Go to Product-Specific Links for more information.

  • What product offerings do you want to support? (Consumer Banking only) – Consumer banking features, including debit card and overdraft opt-in.
    If Debit card is selected, the following options are also available:

    • Do you want to require a debit card? (Checking accounts only) – Yes / No to require debit cards in the application's Preferences screen for checking accounts only

    • Do you want the debit card to be enabled by default? – Yes / No to have the debit card option pre-selected for the applicant

  • Do you want to add any additional disclosures? – Select Edit disclosures to add or edit disclosures. Go to Product-Specific Disclosures for instructions.

  • How many times can a user open this product? – The limit to how many times the applicant can open this product category

  • Change Log – Notes that appear in the change log for staff to reference about updates (required)

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