Use DB ACH Manager for Real-Time Posting (RTP)
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Use DB ACH Manager for Real-Time Posting (RTP)

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Article summary

Real-Time Posting (RTP) is the process of posting the ACH transaction to the user's account after an ACH push or pull request is initiated but before the NACHA file is generated. When an external transfer request is made, Narmi places a hold on the transaction, posts the transaction to the user's account, and offsets it to a General Ledger (GL) account in the financial institution's core banking system. With RTP, the user sees the activity in their ledger much faster.

Enable RTP

Two settings control RTP. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Configurations > Institution settings and search for the following settings. Select Edit to change each setting.

  • ACH Real Time Posting – This setting determines whether your institution has RTP for ACH transactions. The default value is false (off). Set it to true to enable RTP for ACH transactions.

  • Mobile Check Deposit Real Time Posting – This setting determines whether funds can be immediately available after a remote deposit capture (RDC) deposit. The default value is false (off). Set it to true to enable RTP for mobile check deposit.

Process RTP Transactions

To use ACH Manager for RTP:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Transactions > ACH manager > Digital Banking.

  2. The page that appears shows your DB ACH transactions in review. Tabs across the top correspond to ACH transaction status. Some tabs only show when there are transactions for that status. For descriptions of each status, go to ACH Statuses.

    Select the Pending tab to see pending transactions waiting to be processed. Each transaction row displays the following information:

    • User – Name of the user initiating the transaction

    • Created – Date the transaction was created

    • Account Number – The destination account that funds are moving to

    • Amount – Transaction amount

  3. Select a transaction row to open its details. Select View user to open the user's profile if needed.
    The following details display:

    • Created date – Date the transaction was created

    • Amount – Transaction amount

    • Transaction type – Incoming

    • Source account number – The source account number that funds are moving from

    • Source routing number – The source routing number that funds are moving from

    • Destination account number – The destination account number that funds are moving to

    • Destination routing number – The destination routing number that funds are moving to

    • Posted – If your institution has RTP enabled, "Yes" indicates that the ACH transaction posted successfully on the core—funds have been moved to and from the General Ledger (GL) account designated for ACH RTP and any relevant holds have been applied.

    • Staff action – The latest staff action taken on any transaction that triggered a risk rule

      Select the "X" to close the detail pane.

  4. Check the box next to the transaction(s) you want to process and select Manually Process. If there are several transactions in the list, you may need to scroll down to see the Manually Process button.

    You can process all transactions on the page by selecting the If you have several pending transactions spanning multiple pages and would like to select all, check the top box on the transaction list, choose Select all eligible transactions and microdeposits, then select Manually Process.
    For information on pending microdeposits, go to Microdeposit Processing.

  5. After manually processing, a confirmation message appears, and the transaction(s) move to the Processing tab. Select the Processing tab, check the box next to the transaction(s), and select Download File to download the NACHA file(s), which gets sent to the Federal Reserve to process the ACH transaction.
    You can also reject transactions from this tab by checking the box next to the transaction(s) and selecting Reject.
    Note: Only staff users with the permission “Can change ach transaction” have the Reject option. Staff users with the permission “Can view ach transaction” do not have the Reject option.

  6. Once the file is downloaded, select Mark as processed to indicate a staff user has actioned them. Upload the NACHA file(s) to the Federal Reserve for processing. Alternatively, your institution can elect for Narmi to transmit a NACHA formatted file via SFTP to the destination of your choosing.

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