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Promotional Offer Cards
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Promotions in the Admin Platform is an upgraded alternative to promotional offer cards, where your institution can easily create and schedule targeted marketing campaigns that run directly from your web and mobile Digital Banking apps. We encourage you to contact your Narmi Relationship Manager to enable Promotions in the Admin Platform.
Promotional offer cards enable your institution to highlight key functionality or promotions to your customers. Multiple promotional cards can be active at the same time. Each time a user logs in, they will see one of the cards, selected at random. You can configure promotional offers by user type or segment. For example, you can have one card visible to consumers, another visible to businesses, and another visible to both consumers and businesses. Or, you can have one card visible to a segment of new customers and another visible to a segment of customers with higher deposits.
Promotional cards appear in the following places:
Below the Net Worth section in the web Dashboard
On the home screen of the mobile app
To enable promotional offers and configure by user type or segment, please contact support@narmi.com.
Editing Promotional Cards
Any staff member can add, edit, or delete a promotional card. To do this:
From the Admin Platform, select Institution Settings.
Search for the institution setting called "Promotional Data."
Select Edit.
On the page that appears, update the fields that need changing. The following fields are available:
Icon – Select an icon to display in the promotional offer tile. Review Narmi's Design System for available icons, then select the name of the icon from the icon menu.
URL – The link to which the promotional card will redirect when the user selects it.
Title – The headline text for the card. This field is limited to 30 characters. According to marketing research, clear and concise is best.
Description – The body text for the card. This field is limited to 150 characters. According to marketing research, clear and concise is best.
Action_text – The call to action text for the card. This field is limited to 10 characters. The default is "Learn more."
Location – This defaults to "welcome" and cannot be changed. This means the card displays on the Dashboard for web and the home screen for mobile.
Weight – This is a numerical value from 1 - 10 that configures the frequency at which a card is shown versus no card is shown. The default is 10, which allows for a card to be shown 100% of the time, picked at random from the available promo.
For example:
There are two tiles, both with weight set to 5
50% of the time, a tile will be shown, picked at random from the two promos
50% of the time, no tile will be shown
There are two tiles, both with weight set to 10
100% of the time, a tile will be shown, picked at random from the two promos
Note: weight has no effect on the relative frequency in which one promo gets picked over another.
At the bottom of the item, there are options to add or delete the card. To add a new card, select Add item. To delete an existing card, select Delete item.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save Changes. Updates are immediately live.