Navigate the Messages Page
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Navigate the Messages Page

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Article summary

The Admin Platform's Messages page is divided into three panels:

  • Message Queue – The left panel is a list of all your message threads. Select a message here to view it in the middle panel.
  • Message Thread – The middle panel displays the thread of the message selected in the left panel. This is where you read, reply, and change the status of messages.
  • User Information – The right panel displays information of the user who sent the selected message for easy reference. Select their name to navigate to their full user profile. For more information on the user profile, go to User Profile.

Search for Messages

To find a message quickly, use the search box on the upper left. Enter part of the user's name, or a keyword found in the message title or body. Select Search and the list filters automatically. To clear the search and return to the full list of messages, delete the text in the search box, then select Search again.

Filter Messages

In the message queue, you can filter by status or team.

Select Open to filter the list by message status. The following statuses are available:

  • Open - A new thread created by a customer or member
  • Waiting for response - A thread that is awaiting a response from a customer or member
  • Escalated - A thread that has been escalated
  • Closed - A thread that no longer requires action

Select All to filter the list by the support team the message was sent to. The default options are All or Unassigned (no specific team). You can set up teams in Manage Support Teams

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