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Article Summary

This section displays any holds on the account. A hold prevents funds from being used and can be permanent or temporary. For example, a temporary hold may occur when a user deposits a check. Your financial institution may not make all or some of the funds available for a period of time (typically 1-2 days) to reduce the risk of insufficient funds or fraudulent activity. Examples of permanent holds include wage garnishments (for example, child support judgment), IRS orders, and minimum account balances that are not accessible unless the user closes their account. For information on ACH holds, go to Limit Periods and Availability.

Funds that are placed on hold cannot be withdrawn or used for payments. Users earn interest on these funds depending on if it is an interest-bearing account.

If the core does not include a description of the hold, the Description displays "Temporary hold."

The Holds section is hidden by default. To unhide, on the web app, select View on the right. To hide, select Hide.

On the mobile app, tap the Holds heading to expand its details.

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