About Ensenta
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About Ensenta

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User Management Changes

As of July 15, 2024, financial institutions are responsible for User Management and any incurred costs of adding new users. FI's no longer have to contact Narmi Support to make EZAdmin changes.
Please refer to the User Management section for more information.

Ensenta is owned by Jack Henry and provides cloud-based, real-time payment and deposit solutions for web and mobile. Narmi leverages Ensenta for remote deposit capture (RDC) risk review and related deposit monitoring alert functionality. Ensenta validates user, deposit information, and check images to mitigate deposit risk and complete BSA and AML fraud process. 

Ensenta is optional, however, this integration is recommended for financial institutions that use our Digital Banking product and want to offer RDC to their customers. Please contact your Narmi General Manager to start integration.

Ensenta Product Components

There are a variety of product components offered through Ensenta that your institution may elect to implement into your digital banking platform. A brief description of these product components can be found below:

Check Image Capture

Narmi leverages the Mitek MiSnap product for capturing check images within the mobile app. Mitek MiSnap is included with Ensenta; however, if a new RDC vendor is requested, that vendor will have to provide a license for the Mitek SDK.

When a user launches the Mitek SDK, if they hold their camera over the check, Mitek's video technology will capture a still image of the check for processing.  

In the event the user is not able to hold the camera still to capture the image, after 10 seconds of auto-capture attempts, Mitek will prompt the user to retry or manually capture a picture of the image.  

Risk Mitigation Engine

Ensenta's proprietary product is its “Risk Mitigation Engine” which validates check information obtained via Mitek MiSnap in the mobile app. 

From the check images, the Risk Mitigation Engine validates:

  • Uploaded image is a check (via OCR)

  • Check date

  • Deposit amount

  • MICR line (routing number, account number, check number)

  • Restricted endorsement

Desktop Scanner SSO

Specific to Small Business Banking within Narmi

  • Physical scanner is needed to deposit multiple checks at a time

  • Business needs to purchase their own scanner

Narmi's connection type to view checks is via SSO. This allows the user to view all checks in one place within the Narmi Digital Banking experience.

Integrated Fraud Check

Ensenta's 'Integrated Fraud Check' product uses Early Warning System's (EWS) 'Deposit Chek' service. Integrated Fraud Check is an add-on service that can be included in the RDC flow once the check image has been received and Ensenta's proprietary checks have been completed.

This add-on service uses account status responses from EWS and maps them to Ensenta risk factors as an additional risk review when decisioning deposits. This includes:

  • Duplicate deposited check detection in the last 12 months

  • Restricted endorsements

  • Counterfeit scoring

  • Risk factors categorized (by FI) into:

    • High risk: deposit is rejected (e.g., closed accounts, check with stop payment status)

    • Moderate risk: deposit is typically approved (e.g., overdrawn account, account flagged for garnishment)

    • Informational Hits: deposit is approved (e.g., account opened <180 days ago)

    • Open/Active: an account in good standing

Pricing Considerations

Ensenta’s lowest pricing tier charges a monthly and per-transaction fee. As a result:

  • Most financial institutions have a deposit dollar threshold that triggers EWS review and minimizes the number of  transactions OR

  • FI can select a higher pricing tier with only a monthly fee

Implementation Considerations

Implementation of Integrated Fraud Check can begin on Day 1 with base Ensenta RDC product.

Real-time Fraud Monitoring 

Within Ensenta's SmartAlert products, they offer real-time fraud monitoring using Verafin. Verafin enables customers to stay a step ahead of crime, as well as the BSA/AML compliance landscape. 

Financial institutions must sign an agreement directly with Verafin to use this add-on service. This can be included in the RDC flow upon completion of the user's check deposit process. It is supported for the following products: 

  • Consumer RDC - Mobile

  • Consumer RDC - Desktop

  • Business RDC - Desktop

  • ATM Risk Management & Check Image Processing

Connection Type

There are two connection type options for your financial institution:

  1. Via Ensenta 

    • Verafin is pre-integrated with Ensenta's service, which requires minimal effort from your financial institution

  2. Via API

    • SDK is provided to allow your financial institution to use a non-Verafin BSA/AML provider. In turn, this is a heavier implementation lift for your financial institution

Implementation Considerations

The Smart Alerts for Real-time Fraud Monitoring with Verafin projects cannot be started until a client is live on the Ensenta platform.

Typically, Ensenta can kick off the Smart Alerts/Verafin project shortly after your institution has a good number of client transactions coming in. Ensenta's experience is that the Verafin configuration takes 60-90 days from that point, depending on Verafin's experience with the core that the FI is using.

Most of what is done by Ensenta for this product add-on can be done very quickly (within a few days), but there is configuration/integration between the financial institution and Verafin that takes up to 90 +/- days.


  1. After the end-user deposit experience has ended, JHA Ensenta sends an alert (with images) to Verafin.

  2. Verafin runs its deposit fraud analytics. If the deposit is potentially fraudulent, Verafin will email an alert to the financial institution.

  3. The financial institution investigates Verafin’s platform and tools. The FI should follow their SOPs to determine if and how to place an extended hold on the deposit.

  4. The EZAdminSM Check21 Express deposit status changes trigger an additional alert to Verafin with the updated status of Approved, Adjusted, or Rejected.

    • If the check deposit is approved within the EZAdmin platform, an updated alert is sent to Verafin with the final status.

    • If an adjustment is made within the EZAdmin platform, an updated alert is sent to Verafin and the deposit fraud analysis is rerun.

    • If the check is deemed fraudulent, the FI can reject the check within the EZAdmin platform. An updated alert is sent to Verafin with the final status.

EZ Admin Portal

Ensenta's EZAdmin web portal is used by clients to manage risk rules, segmentation, and complete manual reviews.

Both the Consumer & Business Mobile RDC product includes 2 EZAdmin seats

Additional EZAdmin accounts are provided in the following packages:

  • Single EZ Admins

  • 5-Pack EZ Admins

  • 20-Pack EZ Admins

EZAdmin seats are agnostic to the entitlements associated with a user (e.g., ‘view only’ user and ‘password user’ each equate to one EZAdmin login).

Types of users

  1. View Access: View all content within EZAdmin, but cannot make any changes.

  2. Update Access: View all content within EZAdmin and can make changes.

  3. Admin Access: View all content within EZAdmin, make changes, and upload account holder lists.

  4. Password Access: Reset passwords for EZAdmin users.

  5. View Unmasked Account Access: View Account Holder and Account Number fields.

Note: A user may possess any combination of these four user levels.

User Management

As of July 15, 2024, financial institutions are responsible for User Management and any incurred costs of adding new users. FI's no longer have to contact Narmi Support to make EZAdmin changes. Additionally, EPS Ensenta granted a new User Management role to all users at financial institutions who were previously assigned the Password Manager role.

User management activities include the following:

  • View, print, and download a list of users for your financial institution

  • View user details

  • Add new users

  • Edit users including changes to IP addresses

  • Add institution access for users

  • Enable/deactivate user access to EZAdmin

  • Reset a password for a user

For additional information, please see an account administrator or reach out to Narmi support.

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