Product-Specific Disclosures
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Product-Specific Disclosures

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Article summary

Your institution has the option to add up to 10 product-specific disclosures for your applicants. A product-specific disclosure will only appear if the user has the product selected when they are completing their application. All product-specific disclosures appear on the same Disclosures page of the Account Opening flow and will render one after the other, as the user selects the checkbox to agree. 

Note: Applications that were in progress at the time the disclosure was added or edited do not display the new disclosure.

To add or edit a new disclosure:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Account opening > Product list manager.

  2.  On the page that appears, find the product you would like to edit, select the three dots on the product card, and then select Edit.

  3. Scroll down to "Do you want to add any additional Disclosures?" and select Edit disclosures.

  4. In the side panel that opens, you can edit the existing disclosures or select the trash can icon to delete a disclosure. Select Add new disclosure to add a new one.

    In the panel, editable fields appear on the left and a real-time preview of those fields appears on the right. The following fields are available:
    • Markdown – Enter the onscreen text for your disclosure. This field supports markdown. Go to Markdown Guide for assistance with basic syntax.
    • Checkbox text – Enter the text that appears next to the agreement checkbox. Default text is "I agree to the Terms + Conditions."
    • Add a new link – Select this to add a link to an external disclosures URL. Fields appear to add text for the link and the URL.

      Add additional disclosures for the same product by selecting Add new disclosure +. You can add up to 10 disclosures.
      Changes in the panel save automatically. Select the "X" to close the panel.
  5.  Add a note in the Change Log and select Save changes.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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