Member to Member
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Member to Member

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Article summary

With member to member transfers, users can send money to a member of the same financial institution using their account number. For member to member transfers to a business, go to Member to Member Businesses.

Note: You can enable or disable users’ ability to add members to the transfer flow based on their user segments, such as a "New user" segment. Additionally, if your institution has two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled, you can enforce 2FA verification when adding a new member. To configure these options, please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager.

To send money member to member: 

  1. From the Transfer page on web or mobile, select Member to member.

  2. On the page that appears, provide the following information:

    • From – Select the account from which money will be transferred

    • To – Select the account that will be receiving the money. This is an account of another member at the same financial institution. If this is the first time transferring funds to another member, add them first. For instructions, go to Add a New Member.

    • Amount – Enter the amount of money that will be transferred to the member

    • Memo (optional) – Enter a short description of the transfer

  3. After entering the required information in the Send money dialog, select Continue.

  4. Review the transfer information and if everything looks correct, select Send money.

    A confirmation message appears when the transfer was sent successfully.

Add a New Member

Note: You can enable or disable users’ ability to add members to the transfer flow based on their user segments, such as a "New user" segment. Additionally, if your institution has 2FA enabled, you can enforce 2FA verification when adding a new member. To configure these options, please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager.

To add a new member:

  1. For web, from the Send Money dialog, select To, then select Add a new member.
    For mobile, from the Member to member screen, select To, then select Add a member.

  2. Enter the following information for the new member:

    • First name – The member's first name.

    • Last name – The member's last name
      Note: To transfer to a business, go to Member to Member Businesses.

    • Account number – The member's Account number

    • Relationship to you – The member's relationship to you, for example, "Sister"
      After entering the member's information, select Add member.

Member to Member Businesses

If a customer would like to send money to a business via member to member transfer, they will need to contact your Support team. Your staff can then follow these steps:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Customers/Members. In the Search box, enter the business account number provided by the customer, then select Search.

  2. There may be one or more users in the search results. Select a row to open a user's profile. On the profile page that appears, locate the First Name and Last Name fields under User Information on the right sidebar.

    1. If the First Name or Last Name fields are empty for all of the users associated with the business, you will need to locate the Account Holder. To do this, open the user profile and locate the Organization role in the right sidebar, which should show "Account Holder."

    2. Next, go into the core, and add a first and last name corresponding to that business account holder.

    3. To save the changes made from the core to Narmi's database, from the user's profile, select Actions and choose the Update User action.

  3. Once you find the obtain the first and last name for the business (or once you have added the first and last name for the Account Holder using the steps above,) have the user Add a New Member, and enter the first and last names exactly as shown in the Admin Platform.

  4. Have the user proceed with the member to member transfer, and in the To field, select the new business member that was added.

Member to Member Transfer History

You can view the user’s member to member transfer history in the Admin Platform. Select Customers/Members, open the user’s profile, and scroll down to the Member/Friend Transfers section.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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