Generate Backup Codes for Locked Users
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Generate Backup Codes for Locked Users

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Article Summary

If a user is locked out of Digital Banking because they do not have access to their two-factor authentication device, you can generate emergency backup codes from the Admin Platform. Staff users with the permission "Can generate lockout codes user" can generate backup codes for customers. Only Admin-level staff users with the permission "Can generate lockout codes user" can generate backup codes for other staff users in addition to customers. Each code can only be used once.

Warning: This is a very high-risk action. You should only generate backup codes for a user if you are absolutely certain they are who they claim to be.

To generate backup codes:

  1. From the Admin Platform, select Manage Users from the top navigation bar.
  2. Select a user's name from the user list. 
  3. Scroll down to the Two-Factor Authentication section. Select Generate Backup Codes.

  4. In the warning that appears, select Generate Backup Codes again to continue.

  5. On the page that appears, backup codes are displayed only once. Share these backup codes in person or by calling the user. Never communicate the code over email or text.
  6. The user should then log in as normal with their Digital Banking credentials. When prompted for a verification code, they should select Backup codes from the device list, and enter one of the backup codes you shared. Each code can only be used once.

  7. After logging in successfully, the user can manage their two-factor authentication preferences by navigating to their name on the upper right and selecting Settings. In the Two-Factor Authentication section, the user can add recovery codes, which they store in a secure location. For more information, go to Security.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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