Edit the Product List
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Edit the Product List

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Article Summary

To edit the Product List:

  1. From the Admin Platform, select the cog wheel, then select Product List Manager.

  2. On the page that appears, a list of your institution's current product offerings is displayed, along with their current status—Active is visible and Inactive is not visible. Depending on which Narmi product you use, you may select Consumer Banking or Business Banking at the top to toggle between the two types of offerings. Select Change log to view a list of changes your staff made to the Product List.

  3. Find the product you would like to edit, select the three dots on the product card, and select Edit.
    You can also select Deactivate to hide the offering (which makes it inactive), Activate to enable the product (which makes it active), or Delete to remove the offering completely.
    Note: Use caution when deleting products as this cannot be undone.

  4. On the page that appears, edit the product details. Details shown depend on the product. Go to Product Details and Settings for descriptions of the editable fields.

  5. Select Preview on the upper right to see how your changes will appear to the applicant.

  6.  Select Save changes to finish. Changes are effective immediately. 

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