Edit or Delete a NAF App
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Edit or Delete a NAF App

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Article summary

Users can edit NAF apps if they have the "Can edit a NAF application" permission.

To edit a NAF apps:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Extensions > NAF Apps, then select the name of the app you would like to update.

  2. Make your changes and select Update to save.

Generate a New Client Secret

When you create a NAF app, you get a client ID and client secret. The client ID and client secret enable us to encrypt user information as third-party services interact with the Public API. The client ID is an auto-generated identifier for your NAF app. It is not treated as sensitive and is often visible in URLs or static configurations. The client secret is an auto-generated, cryptographically secure character string. It is treated as sensitive and only used for secure server-to-server communication. When a user opens a NAF app in Digital Banking, their information is encrypted using the client secret and sent with them as they are redirected to the third-party service.
You can generate a new client secret if you believe the original one has been exposed or compromised. Warning: The previous secret will be invalidated when you create a new one.

To create a new client secret: 

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Extensions > NAF Apps, then select the name of your NAF App.

  2. On the page that appears, select Generate new secret.
  3. On the dialog that appears, select Yes, create a new client secret.

  4. On the dialog that appears, copy and save the new secret, as it will only be shown once. Sending secrets across the internet more than once, or to different users, is a security risk.
    Select Okay to finish.

Delete a NAF App

Note: Please use caution when deleting NAF apps, as this cannot be undone.

Users can delete NAF apps if they have the "Can delete a NAF application" permission. 

To delete a NAF app:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Extensions > NAF Apps, then select the name of the app you would like to delete.

  2. On the editing page, select Delete on the upper right.

  3. In the message that appears, select Yes, delete NAF app. Select No, do not delete to exit without deleting.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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