Release Cycle
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Release Cycle

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Article summary

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Our release cycle is a 6-week release process that begins on the first Monday of every month. This 6-week release cycle includes:

  • 2 weeks of internal Quality Assurance (QA) testing to determine if the product meets requirements

  • 2 weeks of financial institution testing on our User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment—one week for web apps and one for mobile apps. The latest stable release will automatically be deployed to the UAT environment.

  • 2 weeks for deployment to our Production environment, as well as hotfix support, if needed. Hotfixes are updates applied to a "hot" system—a live system—to fix an issue immediately without creating downtime or outages.

    • Web and mobile Production deployments are staggered by 1 week apart. For example, web is deployed during week 5, and mobile is deployed during week 6.

On the third Monday of the release cycle, we send a release notes email that includes the following information:

  • A list of upcoming enhancements and/or fixes for financial institutions to test in the UAT environment

  • Planned release dates for web and mobile versions

Deployments to our Production environment are done one by one for each financial institution. 

Note: The example below is a general timeline and will vary depending on each financial institution's scheduled release date.

Opting Out of a Release

Before deploying the new release version to our production environment, we allow our customers to opt out of the upcoming release to avoid conflicts with ongoing projects. Although we offer this option, we strongly recommend that all customers receive the latest updates to ensure the reliability and functionality of our products.

Financial institutions can opt out until the third Friday of the release cycle; after that, they are automatically enrolled for the release dates indicated in the release notes email. To opt out of a release, please contact your Narmi Relationship Manager. 

What’s New

Go to Release Notes to see the latest updates by release. Go to What’s New at Narmi for monthly updates on new features. 

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