Manage Roles
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Manage Roles

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Article summary

Roles consist of a pre-set list of permissions that can be applied to individual staff members. With Roles, you can create, edit, and delete roles. For example, you might want to create a "Support" role that allows staff to view and create message threads or a "Risk" role that allows staff to lock users. There's a wide variety of permissions available, allowing you to get very detailed with staff access. For assistance with available permissions, please contact

Permissions for Managing Roles 

A staff member must have the following permissions to manage roles:

  • Can view group – To access Staff members > Roles in the Admin Platform

  • Can add group – To add a new role

  • Can change group – To edit a specific role

Add a New Role

To add a new role:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Staff members > Roles.

  2. A list of current roles and their permissions appears in the order they were added. Select the plus sign on the upper right.

  3. In the dialog that appears, enter a Name for the role and add Permissions from the menu.

  4. Select Submit to finish.

Edit a Role

To edit a role:

  1. From the Admin Platform sidebar, select Staff members > Roles.

  2. Select a role name from the Roles list. 

  1. On the page that appears, you can rename the role, add permissions, or remove permissions. To add a permission, select the white space in the Permissions box and choose from the list that appears. To remove a permission, select the X next to the permission name.

  1. Select Update to finish.

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